Thank you.

Thank you for an amazing 2021-2022 service year. We started again on the shores of Long Lake, sharing stories of connections to water. Our services moved up and down the shore of Chequamegon Bay, going virtual as needed, ending at The Club in Washburn for the Annual Flower Service. It was an adventure, to say the least. Over seventy-five volunteers helped create the worship services and special events over the year. I can’t even fathom a guess at the number of hours they contributed. It wasn’t perfect. But it was full of heart, which makes it better than perfect. It took care and thoughtfulness, innovation and a bit of grit. It was, at times, exhausting for many, while also growing conviction and generosity. What is this fellowship we create together? In times that seem impossible even to get by, the Chequamegon Unitarian Universalist Fellowship shows signs of thriving. Thank you. It is truly something remarkable to witness and be a part of.

This summer is a time when committees take a break or begin planning for the year to come. We’ll have simpler services once per month along with small group gatherings. Summer is also a time when I meet with individuals or families to get to know your interests and hopes for the fellowship, along with any joys or concerns you may want to share. If you would like to get together for a visit, don’t hesitate to reach out.

At the end of May my supervised ministry internship with UU Congregation of Duluth is complete. Instead of working a second position, I’ll be using June and July to complete the final requirements for the UU’s Ministerial Formation Committee, which includes writing several essays, reports, and finishing the required reading list (22 more books to go!). I present to the committee in late September for Full Fellowship in Unitarian Universalist ministry.

This summer I feel a deep calling to be present in the moment. These past few years and the potential for the future of our world are too complicated to attach to. One breath at a time…one day at a time… in fellowship with you all. Sounds like a recipe for satisfaction, no matter what comes.

In peace and gratitude,

Stacy Craig